Frequent questions

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What is SWINZ?
Who created SWINZ?
What is the difference between SWINZ, insurance companies and brokers?
Why subscribe to insurance?
What happens if you are not insured?
Does SWINZ suit your needs?
How to get SWINZ?
Why have a dedicated broker when joining SWINZ?
What if SWINZ disappears?
Why does SWINZ use the blockchain technology?
How can you file a complaint?
Who can subscribe to SWINZ?
What covers does SWINZ offer?
Where can you find more information about the SWINZ covers?
Is it possible to select only certain covers offered in the package?
Does the SWINZ policy cover my spouse and/or children?
When does the protection period starts?
What personal data is collected?
What if SWINZ doesn't offer you all the covers you need?
You also need to insure your car. What should you do?
I'm renting a property during my vacations. Is my liability covered?
How can you file a complaint?
How much does the SWINZ insurance policy cost?
How is the monthly premium calculated?
Why a monthly premium?
What if one cover is more expensive than a competitor?
When do you pay your premium?
What are the payment methods?
Are the payments secured?
Something went wrong when you tried to set up your digital direct debit. What should you do?
How can you file a complaint?
How to record a claim?
What to do in case of emergency?
How does SWINZ handle claims?
As a result of a claim, will you monthly premium increase?
How can you file a complaint?
Where can you find detailed information about your SWINZ policy?
How to make changes to your SWINZ policy?
Are you still covered when you move?
If you are a SWINZ member, how do you terminate your policy?
If you buy your policy online, what is the withdrawal period?
How to contact your dedicated broker?
How to get in touch with the SWINZ team?
How can you file a complaint?
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